Polyurea Bund Lining Systems


polyurea bund lining systems

Choosing the right polyurea bund lining systems system for your project is essential in order to achieve high quality results. This is why Specialist Lining Services (SLS) provides independent advice and guidance on the many different bund lining products and systems available, together with the different material and system build-ups that can be applied to your project’s requirements.

Our latest Specialised Product Insight article focuses on a class-leading polyurea bund lining system from ITW Irathane Futura – a versatile and robust system that is designed to protect and contain liquids, including hydrocarbons. The system is quick-set and provides a high degree of resilience that’s ideal for protecting concrete and other substrates from movement stress cracking, whilst also providing a watertight barrier against leaks or spillages of volatile chemicals.

Strength in Containment: Exploring the Advantages of Fibreglass Lining in Chemical Bund Applications

A Bund lining system is typically installed on top of an existing substrate or in new bund installations. The system is sprayed onto the concrete substrate and cures quickly, allowing your project to return to service as soon as possible.

There are three core types of chemical-resistant bund linings available, these include; Fibreglass linings, Epoxy bund liners and Polyurea lining systems. All are used to provide a second layer of protection, with the latter two offering the greatest level of strength and durability. The polyurea systems offer greater flexibility than fibreglass linings, meaning that they can work better on concrete or brickwork substrates that suffer from severe movement issues. Additionally, the polyurea systems are much more durable than epoxy linings and will prevent any movement stress cracking of the concrete substrate that could potentially compromise the structural integrity of your bund wall.

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