Air Show Driver Service

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Air Show Driver Service are large-scale aerobatic flying demonstrations featuring a variety of aircraft. Many are held on military or commercial airports, but can also be seen in parks, stately home grounds, castles and even over the sea at coastal resorts. The air displays are usually accompanied by ground exhibitions and may take place during day or night.

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All patrons are subject to search upon entrance and at any other time they are on airport property. The search process includes walk-through metal detectors, scanning of bags and packages and random checks. In addition, all patrons are required to sign a waiver of liability and must wear appropriate footwear at all times while on the airshow site.

An FAA-certified airport must submit a detailed Airshow Ground Operations Plan to Flight Standards prior to any airshow activity. This plan must address the Part 139-related requirements impacted by the show, and be approved by an airport certification inspector.

Airshows pose a risk to spectators and aircraft. Accidents have occurred during airshows, sometimes with a significant loss of life, such as the 1988 Ramstein air show accident (70 deaths) and the 2002 Sknyliv airshow crash in Ukraine (77 deaths).

To prevent accidents during airshows, aviation authorities around the world set rules that limit the heights at which display aircraft can fly. These rules vary according to the type of aircraft, its rating and how it is flown. For example, a fighter jet flying straight and level will be permitted to fly closer and lower to the crowd than if it is performing a roll or loop.

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