What is Lyme Disease Testing?

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If you’ve ever been diagnosed with Lyme disease, you’ll have probably heard about Lyme disease testing. But what exactly does it mean? The answer depends on who you ask. Although positive tests should detect anyone who has ever been exposed to ticks and spirochetes, they’re insufficient for the diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease. Fortunately, recent advancements in testing methods have made it much easier to diagnose this debilitating disease. URL – zbadajkleszcza.pl/badanie-na-borelioze/

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One important improvement in diagnosing Lyme disease is the development of rapid point-of-care tests for detecting infection with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. The NIAID is devoted to finding a better way to diagnose the disease and supports research projects aimed at developing these tests. Priorities for research include identifying potential targets and improving sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests. The aim is to develop faster, more accurate, and more sensitive tests to detect Lyme disease.

A patient’s blood is sampled for a blood test that measures antibodies to B. burgdorferi. Antibodies to these antigens develop in response to infection with B. burgdorferi and other tick-borne diseases. Positive results may indicate current or past Lyme infection, and are more sensitive than negative tests. Consequently, patients with Lyme disease should have multiple tests to determine their risk. This means that the CDC recommends a two-tiered testing method.

It is crucial to perform a thorough examination and follow-up to detect the presence of Lyme disease. Diagnosis of Lyme disease is not always simple, but a positive antibody test can help confirm the diagnosis. The symptoms associated with Lyme disease can last for years. The patient’s symptoms may become worse over time. Once diagnosed, a person should undergo Lyme disease testing to find the underlying cause of their symptoms.

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